My skin is scratching me in the winter
Want a miracle cure against scratching skin? Here are tips for those who have scratching skin in winter.The cold of winter is hard with our skin. Our skin is dry, dull and tight, with red spots. So it's not uncommon for a dermatologist to hear "my skin is scratching me". Especially when applying makeup in winter. And, unfortunately, it will take a while for the sun to replace the greyness. The dermatologist Anna Markianos HudvÄrdsrummet from Stockholm gives us her best advice on how to take care of our dry skin in winter.
Skin scratching in winter: why?
Hello Anna, why do you hear so much "my skin scratches me" in the winter?
- When the outside temperature drops, the skin becomes drier and lacks moisture. The large temperature variations between the outside and inside also causes the evaporation of the natural moisture of the skin and increases this imbalance of the skin between fatty and dry parts. This is what makes you say "my skin scratches me". All skin types do not react the same in winter, but many of my patients have skin that becomes very sensitive, dry and peeling.
"My skin scratches me": what advice?
1. Let's give our skin its own winter wardrobe
Always have three or four different "skin care products" that we change depending on the season, as we do with our clothes. When winter approaches, we can go see a dermatologist for advice for the next season, the same where we say "my skin scratches me".
2. Let's move on to dry oil
A good cleansing of the skin is the foundation of a good skin care base - regardless of the season. During the winter, when our skin is drier and "my skin scratches" becomes our favorite phrase, we can replace our usual cleaning product with a dry oil that does not clog pores. The oil effectively cleans dirt and makeup and contains small molecules will emulsify. After cleansing, the skin has a smooth but not greasy surface.
3. Thoroughly clean the night
On cold days, we can use a cotton swab in the evening to clean our face and to avoid it in the morning so as not to dry the skin. But take care to clean our skin every night!
4. Let's take off the old skins with enzymes
If the surface of our skin is dry and "my skin is scratching me" is the main phrase coming out of our mouth, this is a sign that we need to get rid of old skin cells that prevent moisture from entering the skin. the skin. Soaps with small abrasive grains should be used sparingly in the winter, as they can irritate skin that is already sensitive. Instead, let's do an enzymatic scrub about twice a week; the enzymatic scrub will "eat" the old cells of the skin without affecting too much the remaining skin.
5. Nourish the skin at night
Especially in the winter, it might be a good additional idea to invest in a night cream that works deep when we sleep, and to regularly put on a moisturizing facial mask that stays overnight. Many skin care brands also have "creams of protection" that correspond to our Swedish winter climate. This is especially important if you want to be outside for long periods of time, such as skiing. Also, think of adding sunscreen if we are lucky enough to be in a sunny winter landscape.
My skin scratches me: inner remedy
6. Take care of yourself
We can give our skin extra help by adopting an antioxidant diet with lots of omega 3, 6, 7 and 9. They are present for example in walnuts and avocado. Exercising in all its forms increases blood circulation in the skin, which also helps make our skin more supple and soft.
7. Massage and Vitamin C
If we go to a beauty salon, a quick express treatment with facial massage could firm our skin and avoid the famous "my skin scratches me this winter". If fatigue is there, a treatment with vitamin C or a large orange juice in the morning can help give strength to the skin! And in case of orange juice stain, no problem with the good laundry!
My skin is scratching me in the winter
Reviewed by nina
March 07, 2018